Monday, May 24, 2010

Since it's been a while since I wrote, thought I'd take a few minutes to bring things up to date. Connor is on a field trip today with his art class to Disneyland. They were to get a three-hour lesson at the animation center then have the rest of the day between California Adventure and Disneyland. I'm sure we won't shut him up for hours about the day's adventures! Kelleigh took a bead class two weekends ago and made a nautical-themed bracelet which came out very good. My girlfriend (who works there) showed her how to also make bead rings and earrings so she's been busy creating. The great thing is she can do it alone and wear her finished products! Ryan has good days and bad and is continuing in IOP until such time as we feel he can be weaned off of it. Each day brings a new situation or revelation. The football coach discovered him on Thursday and talked to him today about joining in their practice sessions after school. He decided he will give it a try a few days a week and see if he likes the coach and the guys. Not sure he will be grade eligible but we'll know in two weeks. Hopefully he'll do at least one class in Summer School but we have to see what is offered. He has been faithfully working out with the IOP intern as well. Hard to believe only 11 more days of school...

Mark has been busy interviewing for jobs and talking to others about opportunities. His last day at LCC is also June 8th and I think he'll be sad to leave as he likes several of the staff and will miss the daily interaction with the kids. He had a Skype interview today with a high school in the neighborhood Maureen lives in in Texas so we'll see if anything comes of that. Connor and Kelleigh are ready to move but Ryan has a meltdown whenever you mention the word "move"! As for me, I'm just trying to stay sane...

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