Saturday, February 26, 2011

HB to me!

Thank you to everyone for all the lovely notes, cards, gifts, and Facebook postings for my birthday.  As you know, this is my least favorite day of the year but you have all made it special.  Mark and I had a lovely dinner at Bernard'O's last night, went to a movie today, having pizza tonight, and cheesecake later when Ryan gets home from work.  (Mark had to make sure we had the right "numbers" for the cake...oh great!) 

My mom baked me a prune roll and mailed it to me - and don't plan on sharing any of it!  Then Jill brought me the cutest cake ever...and I ate all by myself...

My crafty friend gave me the greatest craft embellishments in this awesome box ...


Then my jewelry-making friend helped me pick out the beads and she made this GREAT hedgehog necklace for me.  Makes me smile as it reminds me of our trip to Scotland where I saw my first hedgehog...

And of course my babies are spending the day with their mom in Jake's "bat cave" under my desk ... cozy ...


1 comment:

  1. I love that you were so spoiled ... just like you should be! Happy Birthday! BTW, I love the look of your blog. Very pretty!
