Friday, December 16, 2011

Birthdays and ER visit

First - HaPpY BiRtHdAY to my nephew, Josh, who is 20 today, and my Dad who is 74 today - how can either of those be??!  Hope you both have a fabulous day.

Has been a crazy time since returning from Texas.  Three holiday celebrations with girlfriends, church christmas concert, horse class, and lunch dates.  Tomorrow is the holiday party for Ryan and all the houses so we will go up for that.  It's held at a hotel so graduates, families, residents, and friends can attend the luncheon and program (each house puts on a skit they have worked on for months).  Afterwards, Mark, Connor and Ryan will go to the Home Depot Center to watch the state championship football games with a family friend.  Will be a long, busy day.

Earlier this week Ryan had the flu and was pretty sick.  When I was visiting with him last Saturday he mentioned that his tailbone hurt and it bothered him to sit down and walk.  Wasn't sure what he'd done.  Yesterday the area was red and swollen so one of the guys took him to ER.  He had two abscesses at the base of his tailbone the size of racquetballs that had to be drained.  The doctor called to explain what they had done and was amazed that Ryan had refused the morphine.  Apparently these cysts are common in guys his age as there's a cavity in that area that can form them and they are extremely painful.  He goes to the doctor on Monday to get the packing removed and is taking antibiotics obviously.  If they return, he has to see a surgeon.  Been a tough week for the guy!

He gets to come home Christmas Eve afternoon and be here until Christmas Day around 5p.  He is VERY excited as are we.  Of course his siblings are excited it's the last day of school for two weeks! 

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