Monday, November 1, 2010

How did it get to be November already? The kids enjoyed what little bit of trick-or-treating they did last night and helped at a friend's with their haunted house. I'm not sure we even had 30 kids come by as most of them are too old now and no one ever wants to walk up our hill for a piece of candy! The kids were home by 8:00p, ate a couple pieces of candy, and that was that! Kelleigh was very annoyed that folks thought she was a pumpkin and asked me why they had to make her "bun" orange? I told her she should have asked them if they'd ever seen a pumpkin with lettuce and tomatos on them!

Mark and Connor went up yesterday morning to spend the day with Ryan and one of his housemates. They went to lunch at Johnny Rockets then to see the Facebook movie. Ryan was very excited and called me today to tell me what a great time he had. I spent the day working on some Christmas gifts as I'm trying to make as many this year as possible. My motivation is that it will not only force me to do something I enjoy but also be more meaningful to the recipients. Time will tell!

The maids were here this morning so my house is sparkly for a few minutes. Kell is counting down the days until she gets her cast off next Monday. I think I'm more excited than she is as I've seen enough of an orange and black arm!

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