Saturday, November 28, 2009

I hope each of you had as nice a Thanksgiving Day as we did. Ryan told us it was his favorite meal of the year! Despite making a 24# turkey, there is very little left and only a bit of the side dishes. Kelleigh doesn't like any of the items so she had two cheeseburgers and was a happy, happy girl! She was a huge help this year as she peeled the potatoes, cut them, and helped with the pineapple casserole.

Earlier Thanksgiving Day, Mark and the boys went to see The Blind Side - a truly fabulous movie and one I highly recommend taking your family to see. Ryan and I went yesterday to see it and at parts I cried as the parallels between the movie and the two of us were many. Given our struggles lately, I pray our end result is as positive.

I did take advantage of the Black Friday sales but, alas, not at 3am! The online stores offered the same prices and free shipping so why fight the crowds? I only have two items left to buy and am thrilled. Today I forced the kids to suffer through two photo sessions so I could get the holiday picture ordered so that task is done too. I will put our annual letter on this blog so folks will have to go there to read it and help save a few trees.

Ryan successfully completed his on-line driving 'class' and is busy practicing for the written test at the DMV. The fail rate is 50% so he is working hard to pass it the first time! We have let him drive in the school parking lot and he's doing very well. Of course he would drive to the bathroom if he could! Once he passes the test we can schedule his first behind-the-wheel and he can venture further since he'll be legal!

I am loving my new Kindle and recommend it to anyone who loves to read and enjoys having it handy on-the-go. Definitely one of the best, and most used, purchases I've made lately. Off to get the laundry out and hoping to get inspired to drag out the Christmas stuff ...

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