Sunday, December 13, 2009

A difficult decision

I made the hard decision to turn in my resignation effective the end of the day Friday, Dec. 18th, for the Instructional Assistant job I've done for the better part of a year and a half. I'm hoping to continue doing the admin portion of my job in the office but that is up to the Principal; I am content with whatever her decision is. While I tried to continue for the financial side of it, it became clear to me that I needed to make other choices. This is also the last week for the long-term sub that I've been working with and have grown very fond of. It is so sad to see enthusiastic and extremely qualified new teachers have no prospect of permanent jobs and next year's opportunities in this district will be even less.

For those of you who haven't gotten Susan Boyle's CD "I Dreamed a Dream", get it! It is one of the most gorgeous collection of songs, not to mention sung so beautifully, that I've heard in a very long time. Has everyone seen "The Blind Side" yet - if not, you're missing out on another incredible story.

Ryan is going to help me wrap presents later. No more gifts to buy but a few I'm still waiting on. Enjoy what's left of your weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's a new one. I wasn't expecting to read that. I hope whatever path you're going on will be successful. I was going to say I'll miss seeing you at school so much, but since I'm never there anyway ... it doesn't change things. Will you be free for lunch now? ;)
