Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The new Sundevil

Ryan's first day at MCHS went very well. He was most excited about his new English teacher and how "very cool" he is! Turns out that he's the fiance of the gal who sub'd in the Kindergarten class for six weeks that I worked with and whom I'm doing the wedding invitations for! Small world. He also got auto shop and can tell you how to tell if your tires are aligned! His other classes are PE basketball, history, and math. He was pretty funny about the math class and told me he didn't think he was in the right one as most of the kids are drooling on their desks! I looked a little perplexed and he said "it's way too easy and these kids are special needs"! I will have to check into that tomorrow as it was supposed to be a math class that helps them learn to take tests in preparation for the California exit exam. I admit that I had to laugh though. The boys also had their new psychiatrist appointments today and really liked her. We are going to adjust Ryan's meds a little to allow him to focus more at night so homework is less of a struggle. Kelleigh's appointment is Thursday and then we're back on track with that.

On a personal note, yesterday I had an eye exam as I could tell I wasn't seeing so well and couldn't keep fighting the fact I need to wear glasses more consistently during the day. After all, it's been 12 years since my Lasik and it wasn't going to last forever! While I was there I asked if he could check for macular degeneration since my grandmother is blind from that and mom has the beginnings of it. I am SO thrilled that there is no sign of it given my hugest fear is being blind. I finished the eye exam which resulted in major changes and new glasses. Now for the bad news - I have to get progressive bifocals - does that sound old or what??! It's bad enough trying to come to grips with the fact I'm going to be 50 in exactly 30 days but bifocals ... ugh!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy ryan is adjusting well, I have been praying for him and your family, everything sounds so familiar to me, If there is anything we can do we are here. always Cherri
