Monday, August 15, 2011

Busy times

Connor survived football Hell Week and was gone most of Saturday too between practice, fundraiser blitz, BBQ for the players, and a movie on the field.  He was a tired boy on Sunday!  This week he just has practice in the afternoons which is more civilized.

Things are gearing up for school to start next week.  Today we did the last of the ortho/dentist appointments for the kids, tomorrow is Kelleigh's registration.  Did I mention that Kell has blue streaks in her hair?  What was I thinking when school pictures are tomorrow?!  Wednesday is Connor's Freshman orientation all morning, Thursday Kelleigh and I will help our Art teacher friend prepare projects for her classes, and Friday Kell is doing a church "lock-in" with her youth group until Saturday morning.  We've also had a little ant invasion - and you know how much I love ants - so Orkin comes tomorrow to spray inside.  Of course the maids will be here during that timeframe so we'll just add to the chaos. 

When Connor announced the other night there were ants in the kid's bathroom, I went in and saw that the flooring had all lifted around the tub/shower.  Lovely.  I have a company coming Monday to see if the boards have rotted or have mold as that was one of the problems discovered by this builder.  Apparently they hadn't sealed the tubs and showers properly and some folks had their tubs in their dining room below.  I can think of much more exciting ways to spend money but must get this resolved.  The joys of home ownership!

My family was kind enough to allow me to be gone Saturday afternoon and again all day Sunday to participate in Southern California's Shop Hop with a couple girlfriends. You buy a "passport" and go to craft and stamp stores who are participating in the event throughout a two week timeframe.  There are special pricings, make-n-take cards, and the chance to visit stores you generally may not go to.  We went to nine craft stores and one incredibly amazing quilting store between the two days.  Was a load of fun and lots of goodies for projects and Christmas gifts.  Never fear - I was home in time to prepare dinner each night!

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