Friday, August 19, 2011

Not the best day!

Today just hasn't been the best day.  I'll start with poor Buddy.  He started noticably limping a few days ago.  I was hoping the burr that I found on his foot was the cause but, alas, it wasn't to be.  Today we went to the vet and an x-ray revealed a bone spur and hip dysplasia.  He got a shot, has to lose 15-20 lbs, and has a week's worth of pain meds.  If we're able to get his weight down, that will help slow the progress and avoid daily meds to keep him comfortable.  We had already changed his food to a diet one and so far he's lost only 2 lbs!  So, we'll reduce the quantity even more.

I also had the doctor today due to pelvic pain that I couldn't avoid dealing with any longer.  She's fairly confident it's another round of scar tissue adhering to the incisions from all my other abdominal surgeries but wants to do a CT Scan and see what it reveals.  Monday I'll do the lab work in prep for making that appointment.  I'm hoping that I'll get away with just a laparoscopy this time and I'm not even thrilled with that.  I told Mark to just put Buddy and I out to pasture as we've worn out our usefulness!

Connor had their first scrimmage tonight against the JV team and Kell leaves in a few minutes for her lock-in at church.  Connor has his last Saturday practice in the morning so they should both be nasty by afternoon!  Ryan was able to call yesterday and sounded good.  It's great to be able to talk to him since we haven't seen him in so long.  I continue to be grateful that he is taking the program seriously this time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you've really gotten a lot to deal with all in one day. Please let me know if you need anything.
