Monday, October 24, 2011

Grandma's fall

{Evening update}   We took the children to see her as they were quite upset over it all.  She looked better but was clearly still in pain.  She told them she didn't want any more morphine tonight and to just give her tylenol; don't think that will last long!  She'd eaten a little dinner and slept a few hours.  They were about to move her as she was feeling too much pressure on her bottom from laying in the same place too long.  The nurse had no notes about the bleeding issue; seems no one is concerned except me about that answer.  She did request Manor Care for rehab (where Chuck was) as I won't agree to the place attached to the hospital (thanks to the horrible experience last time she was there).  Mark was getting her a Starbucks and going back to watch the World Series with her for a while.  Hopefully she'll have a restful night and I'll see her in the morning.

{Noon update}   Mark and I went to see her and she wasn't doing so well.  Hadn't slept since I left her earlier this morning but did have some breakfast.  They were just giving her morphine as the OTs came in thinking they were going to stand her up.  I just laughed.  She got to a sitting position, starting being sick, and they realized that was as much as she could do.  The orthopedic dr had been in but I couldn't get any info out of her.  I will find out tonight the bleeding situation when I go back.  My guess is that she is there through the week or until the pain management is controllable.  I'm taking the kids back later to say hi so will write again if there are new developments.  (On a humorous note - she was worried about me getting food out of her refrigerator and to buy her new Lotto ticket!)

As some of you already know, Grandma fell last night when she got up to walk to her computer.  She lost her balance and fell hard onto her right hip.  She knew as soon as she fell something was different this time from past falls.  We called an ambulance and were sent police, fire truck, and ambulance.  Was quite a houseful!  She was doing fairly well with pain until they stood her up and it was then apparent something was very wrong. 

The doctor gave her a 95% chance her hip was broken, however, x-rays came back as a fractured right pelvis.  Because it wasn't clear how badly it was fractured she was sent for a CAT Scan.  That showed that it was shattered and bleeding.  They drew blood to determine her CBC to compare to when she was admitted to determine the amount of bleeding.  Those results had not come back before I left at 2:15a.  She was being taken to her room and the orthopedic doctor will come today.  There will be no surgery but perhaps a procedure based on the bleeding issue to stop it.  She will be moved to a nursing home in a few days until she is able to walk on her own.  I'm not sure how much of that sank in as they put her on morphine fairly soon after her admission.  We are all grateful that it's not a broken hip but sad that she has to be gone for a while.

I'll update this after Mark and I see her around 10a this morning.  I'm sorry I'm not able to write individual emails each day so please check here for updates.


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