Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More birthday news!

Wow - it was a very busy and exciting day! After my last post Kelleigh got a call from Amber (the oldest daughter of Deborah and Glenn) who is 15. She was a lovely young lady to talk with and I was excited to give her the blog address so she can see pictures of the kids.

Then ... Grandma's sister and nephew arrived to surprise her for her birthday tomorrow. They went out to dinner and joined us for birthday pie and gifts afterwards. It was a lovely evening.

For those who know Kelleigh, they know that burgers are her very favorite food with pizza a close second. Her dinner spot was Cheeburger Cheeburger which thrilled "The Brothers" too! They have a deal where if you eat a one pound burger, you get your picture on the wall. For children 12 and under you can eat a 1/2 pound and get a picture. She was having none of that sissy 1/2 pounder - she was going for the enormous one pounder! Mark bet her $10 she couldn't finish it. NEVER dare Kelleigh to do anything as she'll die trying! Here is how that went ...

The burger ...

Kelleigh trying to keep it all in one piece. Finally gave up and let me cut it!

See Dad ... it's ALL GONE! How can a skinny little thing like her do it? Ryan also ate a pounder (and a large milkshake, and fries, and onion rings ...) but he has a few pounds on her!

And she expected her payout immediately!

Getting her picture taken for "the wall".

Then it was home for birthday pie. How did she have room for that?

Opening her gifts ... she got a bulletin board, note pad, puzzle, video games, DS game, money, an outfit (which she has on), a Webkinz, and American Girl doll outfit. She was thrilled.

Tomorow will be another busy day as it's Grandma's 90th birthday. While her official party is on Saturday, we still have to make the day special. She will go to brunch with Frances and Paul then we'll have a relaxing evening by the pool.

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